Words Hold Power

Words have the power to uplift others or to tear them down!

Choose your words wisely. In every day there are 1,440 minutes. That means you have 1,440 opportunities to make a positive impact by the words you speak. One kind word or phrase to yourself can change your entire day.

Here are some sayings for you to get started with. By just saying these words out loud you are declaring to the world that you are powerful!

Post up these sayings around your place of residence to remind yourself the power that words hold and the power that you have to choose how you will think, act and speak! By just saying these words out loud you are declaring to the world that you are powerful!


Beautiful things happen when I distance myself from negativity.


I count my blessings not my problems.


Today I am going to laugh louder, smile bigger and love longer.


Today I will not worry about failures. I worry about the changes I missed when I didn’t even try.


I will never give up!


My attitude is a little thing that makes a big difference.


Life is tough, my darling, but so are you!


Every day may not be good. But there is something good in every day.