“I will instruct and teach you in the way you should go; I will guide you with My eye”. Psalm 32:8
The Lord’s instruction is limitless. It has no bounds and is never restricted. In every area of our lives He is waiting to speak – to guide and to instruct. No area too big and never an area too small. The path may look different to what you originally thought but that’s ok – He is your Guide and like all good guides, He knows the best path to where you need to go. The path you are on is not meaningless. It is significant. On it are specific people to meet, places to see and things to be learnt. His path is never stagnant. Each step has a purpose so don’t get discouraged in the unknown. Stop and look. Can you see Him? He is there. Working. Moving. Speaking. With each step His hand is at work so pause and be still. Whilst it may not always feel like it, the journey you are on is spectacular so take a moment and enjoy the view. Spend time reflecting on where you have been and how far you have come. Wow… look at what He has already done! Stop trying to figure out the path because there is no need to. You can trust Him – just keep your eyes on the Guide, stay close, listen and if the path gets bumpy, know that you do not need to be afraid. He is still there and His eye is on you.