This creative video has Sara and Gabby expressing two types of unique individuals that you might find in any school setting. Gabby is the quiet, shy artist and Sara is the loud, fun-loving athlete. Sara discovers that Gabby is a quiet yet kind person. She decides to invite Gabby to play with her. Later they become best friends. Through the message in this video, Sara and Gabby encourage you to make friends with all types of people at school. Always remember to be kind to everyone. Enjoy your new school year!
Upcoming contest – There is still time to send Sara and Gaby a video of one of your dreams or a goal in life that you want to fulfill or that you have already accomplished. By September 17, 2107, send a video that is no longer than 5 minutes in length. The winning video will be featured in the October, 2017 edition of Just Saying.
Remember that by sending us your video you are providing us with permission to post this video in the on-line magazine Just Saying. Send your video to