Create Your Vision of Success

Now is the time to be confident and say, “I am ready to craft my action plan and manifest my desires.” Developing an action plan is the key that opens the door for all possibilities to come alive. Goals remain wishes until you have an inspired game plan that moves you where you want to go.

Start by challenging your vision of success goals and be truly honest in answering these questions: Am I motivated by my goals? What do they mean to me? Are these goals relevant to where I want to go in my life? Do they align with my beliefs and values? If your goals don’t deliver excitement and passion, simply change them. If they fire you up, move on to the next step of developing a five-year action plan.

With your goals well-identified and prioritized, you are now ready to answer the what, by when, and how many questions that will help you create your five-year action plan.

What Activity – There may be more than one path to achieve your goals. Start by weighing in possible actions and choose activities/tasks that best resonate with you. Pay attention to how you feel about each possibility. As said earlier, guidance can be found in feelings. Actions to consider may include people to contact, courses to take, books to read, or any other activities that may bring you closer to your goals. Consider breaking down tedious tasks in sub-activities to render them more manageable.

What Resources – Now, have a look at the resourcesfinancial, material, and humanrequired to perform the chosen activities. If some goals involve the participation of other people, write down who will be responsible to perform the activities under your supervision.

By When – Then, indicate the expected start and completion date of your goals.

How Many – Lastly, write down how many times per day, per week, and per month you will carry out the activities/tasks.

Once your five-year plan is completed, you can now focus on the last step, which is to prepare your annual action plan. Derived from your five-year plan, your annual action plan details your goals for the year to come; activities to be completed and their frequency, needed resources, and time frame. Assessing your progress against both your annual and five-year plans helps you define your next-year plan and revisit your five-year plan as needed.

You may want to use a simple template as the one John used to capture key elements of your next-year plan. John is a university student who works part-time. He is single, and would love to meet his dream girl. Living a healthy life and having financial success are his two areas of focus.


Desire Great physical health and vitality.
Goal Lose eight pounds in two months.
Activities Exercise more regularly at the gym.
Resources $80 for a two-month gym membership.
Time Frame October and November.
Frequency Three times per week.



Desire Fulfilling career.
Goal Complete a bachelor of commerce degree in three years’ time.
Activities Attend university classes, work part-time to pay tuition fees.
Resources $10,000 per year for tuition.
Time Frame Next three years.
Frequency Fall and spring semester weekly classes.



Desire Wealth and financial abundance.
Goal Contribute $25 monthly to a savings plan.
Activities Arrange for fund transfers to a savings plan.
Time Frame Over the next year.
Frequency Monthly.



Desire True companionships and relationships.
Goal Meet new people each week.
Activities Do various activities: sport, gym, museum, etc.
Resources $25 per week to cover activity costs.
Time Frame Over the next year.
Frequency Weekly.

Listen to your inner voice for creative ideas, insights, and guidance to formulate your plan. Get ready to map out your itinerary for an exciting journey on the path to success.