5 Things That Will Put a Pep in Your Step!

  1. The new on-line store found in the magazine features Mialisia jewelry that allows you to design a look that showcases your unique style. You can also visit www.justsaying.mialisia.com.
  2. Jocelyne F. Lafreniere’s article Let Feedback Be Your Friend, found in the business section provides people in the world of work with very practical advice. A must read!
  3. Sara and Gabby’s video School’s Back! will encourage students returning to school to be kind to others by making friends with your classmates.
  4. Paula Lepore Burroughs’ advice on the benefits of healthy essential oils.
  5. Health and wellness products by Youngevity are featured in our new on-line store. Check out the many healthy lifestyle options for you and your family. You can also visit www.justsaying.youngevity.com.

Send us the 5 Things That Put a Pep in Your Step and you could win an Ultimate Bundle!

Contest ends September 27, 2017.

Send your entry to: cheryl@justsaying.today.


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