When Your Plans Fall Through and Life Hits You in the Face

Sitting in my room excitedly packing my suitcase, anticipating what was to come. After spending almost 10 months studying in America, I was finally returning home. I had big dreams, faith to move mountains and hope that a glorious new season was about to begin. A season marked by fresh rain, answered prayer, celebration and laughter. Oh the fun I would have!

Well, fast forward a month and let’s just say… so far, things have not turned out quite how I anticipated. Whilst I can pretend I acted like a real trooper the reality is, life hit me in the face and I cried… a lot.

Whilst crying is healthy, allowing disappointment to engulf you and keep you in a place of despair and hopelessness is not.

So, when things don’t turn out as planned… what do we do?

The answer: We drop to our knees, RESPOND with TRUTH and HOLD ON.

The truth is… The Lord is King. He is Almighty, He is Power and He is STILL on the throne. He is immovable… the same yesterday, today and forever. He is stability personified and our anchor of hope in every situation.

The truth is… He is good. Always. It is His nature and the core of who He is. He cannot be anything else.

The truth is… He is there. Always. He will never leave us or forsake us because He is our closest friend and our biggest advocate. In the storms of life He is right beside us and because of this, we can rest in the beautiful assurance that we are never alone.

The truth is… He is our provider. He knows every need and has the resources of Heaven at His disposal.

The truth is… He has a plan and a purpose for our lives. When you walk with the Lord according to His purposes, all things work together for good. Out of hardships, His finger print is seen and testimonies are birthed. He opens doors that no man can shut and makes a way where there is no way. When we co-labour with Him, He will get us to where we need to be. Remember, though things look a bit scary… The story is not over yet 😉

The truth is… He is kind, incredibly kind. He is patient and nothing we can ever face will ever catch Him by surprise. He knows the situation and as we partner with Him, He will get us to the other side.

The truth is… Everything we need is found in the Bible; His God breathed and living Word. In uncertainty we find certainty as we lay hold of the truth that is sprawled across every page. Word after word with the power to ignite hope and infuse wisdom. What a gift we have been given!

The truth is…. The testimony of Jesus is the Spirit of prophecy. He will do it again! Take time to remember what the Lord has already done in your life, the lives of those around you and the lives of those in His Word. Don’t forget about all the times He came through, when He provided and when He healed. Remember the answered prayers, the miracles and the sweetness of His Presence. Let thanksgiving forever be on your lips and worship forever in your heart.

The truth is: The joy of the Lord is your strength. You were never created to live your life separate from Him. Without Him, we can become smothered by the difficulties of this World but with Him, we are made strong. He carries our burdens and gives us peace and rest.



The truth is… YOU are loved. Beautifully, radically, unconditionally loved. You have the Creator of the universe, the Lord Almighty right by your side. The One who gave up everything so He could have YOU. The One who died so YOU could live. The One who bore every suffering so YOU wouldn’t have to. Who took on every chain, so YOU could be free. And for this reason alone, though things didn’t work out the way you thought…you will always be ok. 🙂

~ Zechariah 9:12 ~

Return to your fortress, you prisoners of hope; even now I announce that I will restore twice as much to you.